free proxy list Yeast Free Wines- Why Do All Wineries Manufacture Yeast Free Wines?

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Around the world, there are hundreds of thousands of wineries with an enormous variety of flavors, color hues, and crushed berries.Each winery strives to produce the best quality of wine within their abilities. Is it a coincidence, then, that the best tasting, most colorful and aromatic are also yeast free wines?

Wineries, interestingly,have a key similarity with each other- the process in which they ferment theirwines. To successfully ferment crushed berry juice into what we all know aswine, brewers chemically react yeast with oxygen, water, and glucose (sugar)to produce alcohol and a byproduct carbon dioxide. But if yeast is used in thechemical reaction to produce alcohol, then how can it be true that almostentirely yeast free wines are the only wines on the market?

There would be yeastpresent in all wines if it were not for the rigorous distillation andfiltration that takes place before wineries ship their finished product. Sometimes,a wine may go through a filter up to ten times to affirm clear, unpolluted wineproduct. After this extensive distilling and filtering, all that remains is aclean, fragrant, flavorful, yeast free wine.

Wine manufacturers arenot removing yeast bacteria solely to appeal to those on yeast free diets,however. So for what reasons do they go to such great extents to producebottles of yeast free wine?

A yeast bacterium is alive, active organism that will react every time it comes in contact with oxygenor sugars. Thus, if a bottle ofnon-yeast free wine were stored without being filtered, the residual yeastbacteria would continue to react with the sugar and produce more alcohol andcarbon dioxide, which would both ruin the taste of the wine and eventuallybuild enough pressure in the bottle that cork would be blown off. This, obviously, is not ideal as afinished product, and thus many measures are taken to avoid any leftover yeastfrom being present in the bottle of wine.

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