free proxy list Maximizing Your Free Traffic Funnel From Google

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This article is all about how to maximize free traffic from Google. There are numerous ways to get free traffic to your website. This free traffic is very important, obviously because it cuts the amount of money that you need to budget for advertising dramatically " or it enables you to spend more advertising dollars on paid advertising media. Google plays an important role in terms of generating free traffic.

There are numerous ways to get free traffic to your website. This free traffic is very important, obviously because it cuts the amount of money that you need to budget for advertising dramatically - or it enables you to spend more advertising dollars on paid advertising media. Google plays an important role in terms of generating free traffic.

Using natural search marketing techniques, which basically employ search engine optimization techniques, you can move your website listing up through the ranks in the Google search engine.

This search engine optimization includes both on-page optimization, as well as off-page optimization, where you get one-way, inbound links to your site on important websites that already have high search engine listing for their keywords.

Essentially, you make sure that your HTML code is clean, that you have used your keywords effectively within your content, that your links are anchored with your keywords in the text, that you use your keywords in the 'alt' tags, that you use meta tags, and that your keyword is included in the title tag of your page, as well as in bold, with an H1 or H2 HTML tag on the content portion of your page.

But once you get traffic, you need to learn how to maximize it. Set up an opt-in page, which may also be called a capture page, a squeeze page, or a gateway page, which your visitors will go through before getting to your website content. This page will request the visitor's first name and email address, and if you are offering them something for free in exchange, such as an E-Book or report, they will happily provide you with this information.

This information is then sent to your auto responder, where you can market to these visitors over and over again, bringing them back to your site again and again, without having to get them to come back to you through the search engine.

By capturing names and email addresses in this way, you can truly maximize the free traffic that you are getting from Google, and you will find that you have more repeat visitors, which in turn amounts to more sales.

Have you seen those websites that contain hundreds of content pages? Do you wonder how people put those sites up so fast? It's a lot easier than you think, if you use the right strategy for building content rich web sites.

First, when building a content rich website, instead of using the outdated method of doing each page, one at a time, use the technology that we have today to your advantage.

You can create, find, or buy a website template, where you just paste content in, but that is still too slow for many.

The best option today is to use a content management system, such as Joomla. You can find or buy existing templates that can be plugged into your CMS, or you can have one designed specifically - and only - for you and your website - one that is truly unique.

When you use a content management system like this, getting the content up on your site is fast and easy. Just paste it into the form within the administrative area of the site, tell the system where you want it linked, and submit it. You're done! But where are you going to get hundreds of pages of content fast?

You have four viable options: You can write the content yourself, you can hire someone else to write it for you, you can use free content that you find on the Internet, or you can buy private label rights content and either rewrite it or have someone else rewrite it.

The first option, writing the content yourself, is of course the slowest way to get content for your site. But if you hire people to write it for you, you could assign 10 writers 50 articles each, and have 500 articles to use for content in about a week's time. All you have to do is login and put it on the site.

Using free content, while acceptable, is a bad idea. You will be publishing content that has already been published, and the search engines will penalize your site for having duplicate content in terms of where you will rank in their listings. If you are not depending on the search engines for traffic, however, this is an option.

Finally, consider using private label rights content. This content must be rewritten, in most cases, but again, if you employ some writers to rewrite the content for you, the work will be good to use, and it will be much cheaper than having fresh content written - and usually much faster as well.

Article Tags: Free Traffic, From Google, Search Engine

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